First of all, thanks a lot to Hana Yorie for this award! Rasanya macam baru je kita berkenalan kan? Terharu nya!
Before terlupa, ade syarat2 once da dapat award ni. Syarat2 nya adalah:
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award. (already done!)
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award.
4. State 7 things about yourself.
Syarat no. 2:
1. Bain
2. Yna
3. Thalhazlin
4. Riena
5. Hazliena
6. Faeza
7. Kak CT
8. Sis Sobrina
9. Cik Teratai
10. Fieraz
11. Dhiya
12. Mrs. Faizal
13. Lady Dda
14. Ilyani
15. Sis Zea
Syarat no. 3:
Kejap lagi saya buat ye...
Syarat no. 4:
1. Tunang kepada En. M. Abu Bakar As-Siddiq
2. Suke berangan especially about my wedding prep
3. Suke tido. Haha..
4. Suke membelog
5. Addicted to nescaffe
6. Sgt manje wif my mum
7. Anak ke-6 dari 7
thanks thanks...ombak ckit :)
hehe.. Ur welc0me! (^_^)
u'r welcome my dear!
thnksss babe..
your welcome! (^_^)
thanx! baru sempat nak kutip award nih. heee
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